Saturday, December 30, 2017

The Year of Growth: The Cycle Continues

As we look back on 2017, we see all the amazing growth we've experienced, the pruning that was tough to endure, and the blooms that turned out beautiful.  God has indeed led our family through an interesting journey this past year.

Craig experienced professional growth in a huge way.  He got to experience things he never thought would come so soon in his career.  He has learned a lot, taught a lot, and is excited about the future ahead.  I am so proud of all he has accomplished. 

The kids and I have been through so much with our education, especially these past few months.  We've all had to adjust to new teaching styles and really get our heads in the books (or music, in my case).  But we have made it so far and are excelling in our subjects.

Sports has taken over our household now that BOTH kids are involved in something.  Keeping an organized calendar is crucial for the many practices and games each week.  We have watched them both practice incredibly hard at their sport and their skills have significantly improved.  We are very excited about the Spring season.

Finally, our Spiritual growth has been phenomenal.  God has definitely taken us down a path we did not see coming.  Craig and I love seeing the kids so excited about church, retelling the lessons and verses, and taking to heart what they have learned.  Every week at church, I feel God is showing me something different in a whole new way.  God brought our family to a new church and we have very much enjoyed it and love being able to just sit in His presence.

We have welcomed new family members through births and weddings.  We have been able to travel to 5 different states and see God's beautiful handiwork.  We have enjoyed new friendships and cherish the ones that have been so special throughout the years.  We have grown in so many ways.  Overall, 2017 has been a good year for our family. 

Friday, December 15, 2017

Kaitlyn's Birthday Letter

Dear Kaitlyn,

Well, the years keep passing quickly and  you keep growing up.  We've seen you mature in so many ways and you understand the new responsibilities that come with it.  You are becoming very wise.

We love watching you come into your own.  You are unique, you don't follow the crowd, and you stick to your beliefs.  We have always told you to be your own person and you truly are.

Your faith is very strong and you have a great understanding of the Word and what God commands of us.  You demonstrate kindness, love, and acceptance to everyone around you.

You are extremely creative, crafty, and you enjoy trying your hand at new mediums.  Your work always astounds us and you love making gifts for others.  You have a bright future ahead.

Your newfound passion for volleyball is a joy to watch.  You know what challenges you and you accept them.  Then you conquer them.  Keep striving to be the best.

We pray that you continue to stay true to your beliefs.  We pray that others always experience your kindness when they are around you.  We pray that you keep learning new things and excelling at the old.

We love you and cannot wait to see what this next year has in store for you.

Love Always,
Mom, Dad, and Preston