Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Year

2013.  Hard to believe that is the year we are ringing in.  Remember when Y2K happened?  Everyone was rushing to the stores to stock up on food, water, and other supplies.  Here we are, 13 years later, still living life the same way as we did in 1999.  Well, except everything is more expensive.

Towards the end of each year, I always ask God for a simple word to describe what he would like of me for the upcoming year.  What changes need to be made?  What goals should I strive for?

Without fail, God always gives me a great word and it helps me enter into the new year with a sense of freshness and new beginnings.  Without fail, our family has been able to achieve so many goals by focusing on what God has told us to focus on.

But as we eagerly look forward to what is to come in the new year, we always look back to where we've been.  We reflect on the previous year and see all that God has brought us through.  We see the blessings He has given us and we are so thankful that God has guided our steps to bring us to where we are right now.

As you look to the future and reflect on the past, look at the God moments and remember that's just a glimpse as to what God can do in your life.

"The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives."-Psalm 37:23

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