The day started about 6:30 am with Kaitlyn running into our room saying "It's my birthday!!!" For breakfast, Craig made her homemade waffles. Then, we went to her school for lunch. At first, I was going to let her buy lunch since she usually takes her own. Then she said she wanted to buy a bean burrito from the cafeteria.
Okay, that's just GROSS!!!
So, Craig, Preston, and I went to Rosa's Cafe and got her a bean and cheese burrito kid's meal. I'm sure it was much tastier than one from the cafeteria! She certainly gobbled it up. She also took cupcakes to school to share with her class. I think everyone appreciated it, especially her teacher. ;) Over the morning announcements, they called out her name for her birthday and she got a special birthday pencil and certificate.
For dinner, Kaitlyn wanted Burger King only because there were Zhu Zhu Pets in the Kid's Meals. So, that's what we had. I know, it wasn't the healthiest meal, but it's her birthday. She can do what she wants. We were going to let her have a chocolate shake for dessert too, but Burger King was out of shakes (gasp!).
Last night, Kaitlyn earned 4 badges.
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