Monday, May 20, 2019

Inspirational Quotes, Inspirational Lives

If you look on my Instagram feed, you will see it is full of quotes. Inspirational quotes.  The quotes stand out to me and provide meaning for my life.  Or sometimes I use the quotes if I feel someone is placed on my heart.  Words are a great outlet for me.  It is how I best express myself whether it's through blogging, song lyrics, or finding a quote (or even writing my own) that perfectly describes how I am feeling.

But life is more than quotes. Being an inspiration is more than what people read on your social media pages.

It is also how you live your life.

I can post all day about positive attitude, positive vibe, positive life, but if I'm not actually living those words, I am not being inspiring.  I am just being artificial.

Life is hard.  It's full of heartache, sadness, anger, tough choices.  But it can also be really beautiful. Life can be full of joy, love, excitement, and surprise endings.  It's all about your approach to life when it gets hard.  It's how you look at those challenges in the face and are willing to take them head-on with the mindset that it's already been conquered.

It is then you realize life is not that bad.  You can see the glass half full over and over again.

It is then you realize others may be watching and seeing how you handle those situations.  You are being inspiring. 

You are an inspiration and not just a quote.

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