Monday, April 11, 2011


Yesterday was our Missions Day at church. Since Craig comes from a family of pastors and missionaries (including his parents, who are retired missionaries to Mexico) we appreciate the chance to celebrate and honor those that are doing God's work. We have a big banquet where everyone brings food from different countries. The children have their own special time and dress up from different countries to parade around the main sanctuary. Preston is dressed Jamaican and Kaitlyn is European (Sweden, Austria, Germany-take your pick). A friend let us borrow the dress she had made for her daughter years ago. It fit Kaitlyn perfectly, I added braids, and voila! Here is one of the tables that my Care Group set up. It is Australian. I actually tried Vegemite and will never do so again. Yuck!!!
As we were eating, the kids came in and paraded around the room. Here is my little Austrian.

Here's my Jamaican, proudly holding his flag.

This is my plate with a smorgasbord of food. In the top right corner you can see the little piece of bread with some brown stuff on it. Yes, that's the Vegemite.

After we ate, the Men's Choir from Life Challenge performed for us. It was so nice to hear their testimonies about God changing their lives for the better. Someone reached out to them when they were hurting and helped led them down the right path. We don't have to travel across oceans or continents to be missionaries. We are all called to tell the Good News to others.

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