Monday, July 14, 2014

One Husband's Journey: Part 1

I've decided to start a series dedicated to my amazing husband.  I honestly cannot put into words how much he means to me.  He is my best friend, a great provider, and very dedicated to his family.  So often we see spouses publicly humiliate or degrade each other.  More often we need to see couples lifting each other up, praying for them, and praising them.

My husband is in management and absolutely loves what he feels he was called to do.  He goes around and greets every single associate and co-worker each day.  He listens to any and every problem, and gently provides suggestions or solutions.  He always says he doesn't want to just tell people what to do, but that he wants to coach and train them.  He very much wants to see others succeed in their jobs, even in their lives, as well.

However, there was a period of time when things weren't so good for him.  And it was hard.  It was hard on him and hard for the family.  So, I privately journaled my thoughts, sharing only with him.  Needing to get out my feelings, I always turn to writing.  With his permission, I am sharing the first of 2 posts that I had written during that time.  I can feel the heartache written in the words, but am also encouraged to see how far we've come.

The Storm

My husband is the rock of our family.  He's our stronghold.  He's the one that comforts each of us when we are in need of extra TLC.  But to see your stronghold falter, to see him slowly crumble, and to see him cry a river of tears is almost unbearable.

The one that always so tenderly did the comforting, was the one that needed to be comforted.  The one that always has something positive to say, needed to hear positive words himself.  The one that always does the leading, needed someone to follow.

As the storm came upon us, it felt hard to keep our heads above water.  We were desperately clinging to our Lifesaver and holding on oh so tightly.  Holding on to each other and holding on to the One that always holds us.

And as the storm raged on, there was a shift in momentum.  It was no longer him that needed comforting, but I.  I needed to be held.  I needed my tears dried.  And I needed to know that we would be okay.

The storm still rages.  I am in a constant battle with my fears.  I can't see the future to have some comfort, but I look to our Comforter to hold my future.

My faith is firm.  I will continue to believe, to seek, and to find the peace that I need in my heart.

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