Wednesday, July 16, 2014

One Husband's Journey: Part 2

After my husband had to make some tough decisions while going through a difficult time, I saw him in a different, but brighter, light.  I saw how incredibly dedicated he is to everything...his job, his family, his responsibilities.  I saw how much he truly loves and cherishes his family.  The love he has for us, especially during this time, is so overwhelming.

I didn't realize how many burdens he was carrying on his shoulders.  I didn't see them sagging under all the pressure.  It wasn't until God lifted those burdens and he was able to let out a sigh, that I could see him finally stand straighter and freer.

My husband continues to love and show his dedication.  He always amazes me at how much responsibility he is willing to take on, not just at his job, but at home as well.

I thank God for opening my eyes to see my husband in a whole new way.  Even though I felt I knew absolutely everything about him, I'm in awe of what has been revealed.  Change can be tough, but it can also be good.  You just have endure the storm to feel the calm.

The Calm

The storm is slowing.  The waves that once crashed so hard against us, are becoming gentle again, with just a slight rocking.  I can see the clouds starting to thin since all the precipitation they once held, have been released of all the pressure.

We don't feel the need to cling so tightly anymore.  We are sensing the calm that now surrounds us.  But we know His grip on us has not been released.  It never has.  It never will.

As we are trying to make our way through the remnants and sprinkles, we are trying to stay hopeful.  Hopeful that the sun will shine brightly in our world again.  Hopeful that the promise of a new life, a new future will reveal itself to us in the form of a beautiful rainbow.

We handle each day as best as we can.  Our smiles are starting to return and praying that the worst has passed.

Now we are slowly starting to feel a peace envelope us.  We are starting to feel that maybe we will be okay.  And then, in the far distance we see it.  We see a small shimmer of a beautiful rainbow.  It's the promise.  The promise that God has always kept.

And we cling to that.

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