Tuesday, October 12, 2010

God Is Still In Control

When something amazing happens in our lives, we immediately thank God for our blessings. When something tragic happens in our lives, we ask God why.

But why do we do that? I guess we're human and it's natural for us to want to have all the answers. Yet, in the Bible it tells us to give thanks in all circumstances.

Yes, it hurts. Yes, we want the pain to go away. Yes, God is still the same yesterday, today, and forever.

The same God that provides for us, is the same God the comforts us. The same God that heals our broken physical body, is the same God that heals our broken emotional heart. The same God that allows us to experience suffering, is the same God that gives us peace.

As humans, we always want to make sense of any situation. We always want to understand why things happen the way they do. We want to have the answers to everything.

But God tells us to trust in Him.

God knows the plans for us, whether it makes sense to us or not. God tells us not to try to understand, but have faith. God has the answers to everything and sometimes we don't need to know them too.

Trusting in God is always easier said than done. Having faith that all things work out for good is something that's hard to believe at times.

But I do know this. God has never failed. God has always protected. God is always right.

And God is still in control.

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